The Quality Assurance Group (QAG) Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Jember is a quality assurance unit at the faculty level that has duties and responsibilities in setting and fulfilling sustainable quality standards which include education, research, community service, resources, and governance managed within the FEB University of Jember.
The scope of GPM and UPM activities is to ensure the implementation of the Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Controlling, Improvement (PPEPP) process for the implementation of all academic programs/activities as well as educational development within the tridharma of higher education namely education, research and community service, resources and governance in the environment FEB University of Jember.
Profile of GPM FEB University of Jember: ProfilGPMFEBUNEJ
Our Mission :
Our Vision :
To become a work group that excels in ensuring the implementation of a quality management system in the implementation of higher education to support economic and business development with an international standard of environment and agro-industry.
Dr. Intan Nurul A. S.E., M.Sc.
Almas Farah D. D.,S.E.,M.M.
M. Zeqi Yasin,S.E., M.Sc
Vanya Pinkan Maridelana SP., MBA
Bayu Aprillianto, S.E., M.Akun.
Rachmania Nurul Fitri Amijaya, S.E., M.SEI.
Sjafruddin, M.E
Inayah Swasti Ratih, M.SEI.
Oktaviani Ari Wardhaningrum, S.E., M.Sc
Hendrik Tri Oktaviansyah, S.E.,M.Akun
Dwi Perwitasari Wiryaningtyas S.E., M.M.
Okyviandi Putra Erlangga, S.EI., M.SEI.
Musa Al Kadzim, S.Ag., M.Ag., AWP
Robby Reza Zulfikri, S.E.,M.E
Bahrina Almas, S.E., M.SEI.
Dr. Regina Niken Wilantari, S.E., M.Si.
is to find out and analyze feedback from stakeholders on education delivery services at the FEB University of Jember and to provide follow-up on the survey results. The satisfaction survey conducted was a satisfaction survey for students, lecturers, educational staff, alumni, graduate users, and vision and mission surveys. The targets achieved in the satisfaction survey were to improve the quality of education delivery within the FEB University of Jember, improve the quality of graduates, and increase the link & match of higher education with the business world and the industrial world.
Survey Result Report
is an activity of a quality assurance system for administering higher education which includes the process of planning, fulfilling, controlling, and developing higher education standards in a consistent and sustainable manner. So that stakeholders (stakeholders) both internal and external tertiary institutions namely students, lecturers, employees, community, business world, professional associations, government and other related parties get satisfaction with the performance and outputs produced by tertiary institutions.
Policy Documentsis needed to ensure the successful implementation of risk management at FEB UNEJ. The framework helps in managing risk effectively through the application of risk management processes at various levels and in specific contexts of the organization. The purpose of the risk management framework is to ensure that information about risks originating from the risk management process is adequately reported and used as a basis for decision making and fulfillment of the quality assurance process in all parts of both study programs and work units under FEB UNEJ.
Risk Management Guidelines and ReportsAchievement of higher education goals is determined by integrative and comprehensive stages starting from planning, implementation, to evaluation. The PPEPP cycle in internal quality assurance guarantees the creation of good university governance. One of the efforts to improve the quality culture is through benchmarking as a benchmark in the continuous quality improvement process that has been achieved by institutions with the success of other tertiary institutions.
Benchmarking ReportsFaculty of Economics and Business
University Of Jember, Indonesia
+62 331 337990