Faculty Economics and Business Indonesia ( ID )
gpmunej@gmail.com +62 331 – 337990

About Us

The Quality Assurance Group (GPM) Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Jember is a quality assurance unit at the faculty level that has duties and responsibilities in setting and fulfilling sustainable quality standards which include education, research, community service, resources, and governance managed within the FEB University of Jember. Together with the Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) at the Study Program level, GPM and UPM have the function of directing and controlling an educational organization/institution in setting policies, objectives, plans and quality procedures/procedures as well as achieving faculty goals on an ongoing basis.

Legally formally, GPM and UPM were formed based on the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember Number 9283/UN25.1.4/KP/2021 concerning Amendments to the Decree of the Dean Number 0131/UN25.1.4/KP/2022 concerning Appointment of the FEB University of Jember Quality Assurance Group . The scope of GPM and UPM activities is to ensure the implementation of the Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Controlling, Improvement (PPEPP) process for the implementation of all academic programs/activities as well as educational development within the tridharma of higher education namely education, research and community service, resources and governance in the environment FEB University of Jember.

In line with the dynamics and demands of external and internal needs in the higher education system, the preparation of the GPM and UPM work programs is adaptive to any changes that occur and always innovates in achieving the quality of the implementation process and educational outcomes within the FEB University of Jember.

Profile of GPM FEB University of Jember: here


To become a work group that excels in ensuring the implementation of a quality management system in the implementation of higher education to support economic and business development with an international standard of environment and agro-industry.


  1. Facilitating the acceleration of accreditation of Excellent and International Study Programs;
  2. Guarantee the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) in all study programs and educational staff;
  3. Developing Study Program capabilities to support university rankings;
  4. Carry out satisfaction surveys for lecturers, students, educational staff, alumni and users of graduates to improve the quality of education delivery and the quality of graduates in a sustainable manner;
  5. Carry out coordination with other work units within the FEB University of Jember in an effort to improve the quality of educational resources, management and services.