The quality of higher education is the level of conformity between the implementation of higher education and higher education standards. The Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) is an activity of a quality assurance system for administering higher education which includes the process of planning, fulfilling, controlling, and developing higher education standards in a consistent and sustainable manner. So that stakeholders (stakeholders) both internal and external tertiary institutions namely students, lecturers, employees, community, business world, professional associations, government and other related parties get satisfaction with the performance and outputs produced by tertiary institutions. The Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) is part of the External Quality Assurance System (SPME) and is a form of accountability and transparency in the administration of higher education. The aim of tertiary quality assurance is to ensure the quality of higher education delivery starting from the input, process and output as well as outcomes based on laws and regulations, basic values, vision and mission of the tertiary institution.
The Internal Quality Assurance System is contained in 4 documents, namely: